Discussion Topics/QUESTIONS for:

Api’s Berlin Diaries
What makes this story of 75 years ago interesting to us today?

How the long shadow of the Nazi past caught up with Robinson and why she wrote the book

We are not responsible for what our ancestors did but we are accountable. How Edward Ball’s Slaves in the Family helped Robinson overcome her reluctance to tell her story

Ordinary citizens in totalitarian regimes. A doctor’s daily life in Berlin 1945. Conditions in medical bunkers

Effects of a steady diet of propaganda and lies

The process of de-Nazification

German guilt and German silence

All our political responsibility. What would I have done?

The power of stories to create empathy

Renewed appreciation of what binds us together, a lesson reinforced by Covid and protests against racism

Why and how to tackle a difficult past

Better Homes of South Bend

Jim Crow in the North, then and now. The situation in South Bend

Redlining and housing segregation in the North

What has changed since the 1950’s and what has not?

The importance of home ownership for future generations: the children of Better Homes

A Case for Reparations?

German Settlers of South Bend

19th century immigration and immigrants today, chain migration

Why people emigrate then and now

Assimilate or not?

Hyphenated Americans